Color Consultation

In-Home Visits 

Choosing paint colors can be a challenge! It doesn’t take long before what started out as a simple change for your home or business turns into an overwhelming task. You may be wondering how to soften your home or communal spaces, or what color to select that won’t clash with the décor you already have. 

The best way to fully assess your needs is to schedule an in-home or in-office visit with our preferred décor coach! These professionals are dedicated to helping you find your personal style or create one that everyone will love.  

Affordable Consultations 

We work in tandem with an affordable, skilled decorating coach that has an inventory of large samples to help you through the process of picking your paint colors. Jodi Schavone of Décor Coach has worked with us and in the industry for years. She understands the current color trends, as well as what future trends are in store. Contact Jodi for more information on how to get started. 
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